Submission Guidelines
Submission Guidelines

Extended Abstract

The manuscript should be within 2000 words or a maximum of 4 pages including appendix and references (whichever is maximum) and typeface: Times New Roman, 11 pt, single space and justified. The conference committee expects the manuscripts to be prepared using MS Word. This would help the committee to do editing jobs. However, authors using Latex may also be asked to submit their .tex file. The manuscript should be easily readable, suitably sectionalized and is free of grammatical errors. The manuscript should also present correct scientific facts and be free from plagiarism. To prepare a good manuscript the authors must give attention to the objectives of the work presented, contributions made, methodology used, conclusions and managerial insights drawn.


Some suggestions for the sections are as follows:

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Literature Review
  • 3. The Model/Conceptual Model
  • 4. Methodology
  • 5. Data Analysis
  • 6. Results & Discussion
  • 7. Conclusions
  • 8. Managerial Implications

The manuscript must be submitted in this format for its inclusion in the electronic proceedings and such manuscripts only would be considered for best-paper award, if any. For publication in the proceedings the corresponding author (thereby representing all other co-authors also) must also sign the copyright transfer agreement permitting the conference committee to publish it in the conference proceedings. However, such transfer does not infringe on the right of the authors to publish an extended/modified version of the manuscript in other publication outlets like, journals or magazines. The corresponding author also (thereby representing all other co-authors also) has to submit a signed copy of the no-plagiarism declaration in given format. The manuscript will be included in the proceedings only if the presenting author registers for the conference. Select extended abstract authors will be invited to submit full-length manuscript to the special issues of journals in discussion


The authors must include a list of references cited in the manuscript. The reference list should be arranged in alphabetical order and if there are multiple papers by the same authors then arrange them further in order of their year of publication. The following style and format should be followed for the referencing purpose: All references included in the list must be cited and vice-versa. The list should include only published documents and is available in the public domain. The citations should be made by author name followed by the year of publication. In case the number of authors is more than two the first authors surname should be suffixed with et al. If there are multiple publications by the same author(s) in the same year then the year of publication should be suffixed with English alphabets (in the same sequence). For example, Kumar and Miller (2018) or Kumar et al. (2018) or Kumar et al. (2018a). For referencing websites, the full URL and the date when the URL was last accessed must be included. If the manuscript uses data from public sources it must be included in the reference list. The following examples give some idea about how various types of references are to be presented in the reference list.