Publication Opportunities
Publication Opportunities
  1. International Journal of Business Excellence (Inderscience Publishers, ABDC, Scopus indexed)
  2. International Journal of Services and Operations Management (Inderscience Publishers, ABDC, Scopus indexed)
  3. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (Inderscience Publishers, ABDC, Scopus indexed)
  4. IIM Kozhikode Society and Management Review (Sage Publishers, ABS, Proquest indexed)
  5. Journal of Health Management (Sage Publishers, Scopus indexed)
  6. International Journal of Business and Globalisation (Inderscience Publishers, ABDC, Scopus indexed)
  7. International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation (Inderscience Publishers, ABDC & ABS)

* More journals to join...
** Publication subject to quality as assessed by the respective journal's reviewing process.
*** Extended versions of papers are being invited for review and potential publication in the said journals.