5th edition of the International Conclave

GIT 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode.
Offline. Participants have to present physically.
London(Venue will be updated soon)
You can register via Globalizing Indian Thought (GIT 2024) conclave submission page.
Conclave Kit, Lunch, Tea & Snacks during the conference.
No. Everyone must register separately in his/her capacity.
No. With one registration, you can submit 02 papers.
No. It is only for those who are full-time doctoral students and do not have full-time employment.
Yes, you may submit under the doctoral student category.
We welcome attendance by scholars regardless of their presentations in the conclave sessions. Registration with payment is mandatory.
You have to arrange & book the room on your own.
The details are available on the conclave website.
Participants could download the auto-generated invoice after paying the fees.
Extended abstracts can be submitted by using submission link. Please make sure the extended abstract is with the stipulated word limit of 2000–3000 words. There is no need for a full paper.
All participants who registered with payment and attended the conclave will receive a certificate for presenting/attending the conclave.
Your co-author will not get the certificate unless he/she registers, provided you present the paper in the conclave.
The date is given on the website.
We expect it to be ready about 10 days before the conclave and post it on the web. Once the schedule is posted, it is almost impossible to make any changes.
You need to inform us 10 days before the conclave dates. If you do not inform, we will not be able to entertain your request. Once the schedule is made, it is very difficult to make changes.
For details please refer submission link
No dress code for the conclave. However, smart casual is appreciated.
Computer, projector, screen and AV Systems will be available in the conclave rooms. You are expected to bring your presentation on a USB Flash Drive.
No. You will not be able to access and view recordings of any of the sessions.
We allow approximately 15-20 minutes for each presentation (including Q&A).
The reviewer and expert comments during the conclave will help enhance the quality of research paper for potential submission in journal.
The paper can be submitted to journal for potential review.
All papers selected for presentation shall be considered for publication in the proceedings e-book.
The Proceedings e-book will be published on the conclave website after the conclave.