Director’s Message

Dr. Debashis Chatterjee, Director, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode

“Knowledge is Not Wisdom. Wisdom is the appropriate application of knowledge.”

This is a fundamental truth that we, as educators, must embrace in our pursuit of excellence. While knowledge is undeniably valuable, it is the wise integration and application of that knowledge that truly distinguishes exceptional teachers. It is in this realm of wisdom that we find the true essence of effective pedagogy.

As researchers it is our pursuit to uncover treasure troves of knowledge. However, creating synergy between research and classroom teaching, underscores the critical importance of bridging the gap between theory and practice. Being an effective teacher calls for sharing our wisdom for the betterment of society. It goes beyond the mere transmission of information; it entails the cultivation of critical thinking skills, fostering a passion for lifelong learning, and nurturing an environment where students feel inspired and empowered.

This workshop serves as a testament to IIMK’s collective dedication to advancing pedagogy and enriching the learning experiences of students. I am confident that this effort will spark new ideas, foster meaningful collaborations, and inspire innovative approaches to teaching. Wishing all participants an enriching experience !