Information Systems Curriculum & Pedagogy Workshop

September 6-7, 2024

Venue: IIM Kozhikode

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Workshop Objectives

  • Provide insights and strategies to bridge the gap between IS research and industry needs through well-crafted courses.
  • Equip participants with pedagogical skills essential for future roles in academia.
  • Deliberate over design and delivery of engaging sessions across different modes of teaching (offline & online).
  • Discussion on various types of live session activities and strategies that promote active learning and student participation, such as lectures, discussions, breakout groups, and simulations.
  • Foster collaboration and exchange of ideas among scholars in the IS and allied domain.

Faculty Facilitators

Senior faculty facilitators from top management institutes of the country will be leading the discussions and also work with participants in the break-out sessions.

Eligibility Criteria

Doctoral scholars in the later stages of their PhD journey

Early career researchers/faculties with a keen interest in IS and allied areas of education and research

Application Requirements

Interested participants are required to submit a 500-word write-up addressing the following points.

Research Interests: Describe your current research interests within the field of Information Systems or Allied disciplines.

Stage of Doctoral Work/Faculty Experience: Provide details about your current stage of doctoral work or your experience as a faculty member.

Expectations from the Teaching Workshop: Explain your specific expectations from the workshop and how you believe it will benefit your academic journey.

Important Dates

Applications submission deadline: July 18, 2024 (extended)

Acceptance/Rejection Decision: July 20, 2024

Registration Deadline: August 9, 2024

Workshop Dates: September 6-7, 2024

Mode of Conduct: Offline, hosted on IIMK campus

Available Seats: Approximately 30-40 Participants

How to Apply

Submit your 500-word write-up along with your contact details (name, email, institution) to

The subject line of the mail should be “Information Systems Curriculum & Pedagogy Workshop”