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Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research:

  1. Automatically generate bibliographies
  2. Collaborate easily with other researchers online
  3. Easily import papers from other research software
  4. Find relevant papers based on what you're reading
  5. Access your papers from anywhere online.


  1. Installing  Mendeley
  2. Mendeley desktop overview
  3. Mendeley web overview
  4. Adding Items to Mendeley
  5. Creating Citations and Bibliographies
  6. Folders and groups


  • Mendeley Desktop Overview

The Mendeley Desktop library is divided into 3 sections, with dropdown menus & icons along the top.  Note the Sync button; click this icon to synchronize your Desktop & Web libraries.

Learn more about Mendeley's library by viewing this Mendeley Minute:  http://youtu.be/VD1z0boSpQY

Left column

  1. You can see the organization of your library, including All Documents (everything in your library) & any folders & groups that you've created.
  2. Below that you can filter your references (by author, author keyword, your tags, or publication title).
  3. View this Mendeley minute to see how this works.

Center column

  1. Mark references as Favourites ( ) or as Read/Not Read ().
  2. An icon will appear if there is a document attached (PDF, Word document, JPEG).


Right column

  1. On the Details tab, see each part of each record & add tags & documents.  Add your own notes on the Notes tab.
  2. The Type box at the top of the Details tab indicates the type of reference (Journal Article, Book, Web Page, etc.) for each item.
  3. Tags: your own search terms; Keywords are imported from the citation record in the online database.
  4. Catalogue ID:  look up & import articles or add information for an incomplete a record. Just add the ID number & click the magnifying glass to pull in information.
  5. Files: where PDFs & other document types are added & stored.


Copyright © 2014. Library & Information Centre, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, IIM Campus P.O., Kozhikode, Kerala, India - 673 570