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Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research:

  1. Automatically generate bibliographies
  2. Collaborate easily with other researchers online
  3. Easily import papers from other research software
  4. Find relevant papers based on what you're reading
  5. Access your papers from anywhere online.


  1. Installing  Mendeley
  2. Mendeley desktop overview
  3. Mendeley web overview
  4. Adding Items to Mendeley
  5. Creating Citations and Bibliographies
  6. Folders and groups

Folders and groups

Create a folder

Organizing your library with folders is simple.

1. Click the Create Folder icon    .
2. Type the name of the new folder in the box.
3. To add items to the folder just select, drag, & drop them into the folder.

Learn more about organizing your library with folders in this Mendeley Minute:  http://youtu.be/VD1z0boSpQY

Creating Groups

Groups in Mendeley allow users to share information with others.  There are 2 types of groups.

  • Private Groups allows you to share documents & comments only with people you invite.  This is a great tool to facilitate collaboration on projects or within classes.
  • Public Groups allow you to share a list of documents that can be viewed or added to by members of the group.  Citations in a public group are automatically added to your library when you join; associated PDFs are not, but you can download.
  • You can search Mendeley on the Web for public groups on the Groups tab.

Create a group

  1. Use the Edit dropdown menu to create a new group or simply right-click to bring up a menu under Group.
  2. Enter a name, description (if you wish), & choose to make the group privateinvite only, or public


  1. If the group is private or invite only, send invitations.
  2. Begin adding references.
  3. The 3 tabs are OverviewDocuments (all documents that are part of this group), & Members.


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